
babysitters in LA

Find the best babysitters in NYC & LA

A TRUSTED CHILD CARE RESOURCE FOR YOUR FAMILY Curated Care “Kid Experts” are hand selected to join the platform & app. Families do not pay extra for background & reference checks like other

Find, message and book extra awesome, specialized babysitters fast

So, wait, what is Curated Care? Curated Care (kyoo·ray·tuhd kair – noun) A highly vetted babysitter marketplace & booking app Curate your Go-To Team: Head to search kid experts, scroll

So many new Curated Care Kid Experts ready to be your next go-to Babysitter!

Back to school means back to babysitters! Building your bench of go-to sitters now means you won’t be left scrambling when a last minute need pops up. On Curated Care