
Create your own Discovery Bottle!

Discovery bottles are super fun, educational, and easy to make! These bottles allow kids to learn about science by simply observing what happens when different elements are added to a bottle. You can add objects, oils, or coloring to answer questions like, “Do oil and water mix?”




  • One large plastic bottle (main bottle), half full of water (keep the cap!)
  • One large plastic bottle, half full of cooking oil (keep the cap!)
  • Regular food coloring
  • Candy colors (oil based food coloring) – available at most craft stores
  • A long wooden/coffee stirrer
  • Assorted, colorful beads
  • Smocks (to prevent stains)


Step One

Add one or two drops of food coloring to the bottle of water.

Step Two

Shake the bottle of water to watch the color diffuse throughout the bottle.

Step Three

Set the water bottle aside and open the oil bottle. Stick one end of the stirrer down in through the foil seal on the candy color container and swirl it around a couple times to pick up some of the coloring. Then stir the oil with the other end of the stirrer. Do the colors blend?

Step Four

Pour the oil into the water bottle and observe what happens. Do the oil and water mix or stay separate? Turn the bottle on its side. What happens then? Now, flip it over. 

Step Five

Add assorted beads to bottle, and observe….do the beads sink or float? 

Step Six

Close the bottle and take turns shaking it.


What are your additional observations and conclusions?


Book Kid Expert Devin N to create a discovery bottle with your kiddos and teach them all about science!