easy art project for kids

Easy but Awesome Edible Art

Trying to keep your kiddo engaged and stimulated while also maintaining your sanity & work load? Us too! So we’re sharing this easy breezy project that’s fun for them (yay!) AND will keep them engaged ON THEIR OWN so you can get to your to-do list (DOUBLE YAY!)

Edible Art is fun, non-toxic, pulls from materials likely already in your pantry and great for every age.

This project, palm trees and beaches, is particularly fab because it taps into the small, fine motor skills that engage little ones and older kiddos (i.e. it’s time consuming!)

Here’s what you need (but any ingredient you are missing can likely be substituted so stress not!)



Ziploc bag

Dry spaghetti




So sort of greens (spinach, parsley, cilantro, etc.)


Peanut butter

Hot tip – make one yourself first as an example for your kiddo. I know, I know – who has time to prep this? Trust me, it’s worth it – if you make one for kiddos to follow you can then set them up with the materials and the example so they can work on this project solo.

Step 1: Cover your plate (i.e. “canvas”) with peanut butter (or icing, or marshmallow fluff) This is your glue and will hold the entire structure in place

Step 2: Cut up banana slices and place several on your plate (these will be the base of your palm trees)

Step 3: Break dry spaghetti in half and stick one or two pieces vertically in your banana slices

Step 4: Have kiddos place cheerios one by one onto the pieces of spaghetti to create the trunks of your palm trees

Step 5: Fill a ziploc bag with cheerios, and have kiddos pound the bag to create “sand”

Step 6: Have kiddos sprinkle sand around their palm trees as the “beach”

Step 7: Fill the other half of the plate with blueberries as the “ocean” and then use marshmallows as the “sea foam”

Step 8: Using additional peanut butter (or anything sticky on hand) “glue” your greens to the top of the trees as “leaves”

Step 9: Place your raisins on and around trees as coconuts


Save, make another, or eat the whole project as a delicious snack!