
Find, message and book extra awesome, specialized babysitters fast

So, wait, what is Curated Care?

Curated Care (kyoo·ray·tuhd kair – noun) A highly vetted babysitter marketplace & booking app

Curate your Go-To Team:
Head to search kid experts, scroll through profiles and add great options to your roster by clicking the + icon (everyone’s been background and reference checked and submitted a profile and video submission or interview before being invited to activate a profile 😉

When You Need a Sitter, Head to Book:

Enter the date, time and message:

Add 10+ of your team members:

The first to accept your request gets the gig and you’ll be alerted via text, email & app alert!

Working with a team means you can book incredibly dynamic, talented artists, teachers and kid gurus for your babysitting coverage & turn child care time into an awesome experience – all booked and paid for on one handy app.

Head to Curatedcare.com to learn more!