
Is It Ever Too Early to Learn?

While it may feel like “early learning” is getting earlier and earlier (it seems like everyone wants to know what drop-off program you’ve applied for), it is for good reason. According to research by Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, early childhood education can’t begin too early. It is during the first four years of life that children’s brains — in the areas that control hearing, vision, language, and communication — experience the largest period of growth.

So how do you accomplish all this education in those early years while also maintaining your work calendar, your social life, and your overall sanity? Happily, the answer is a lot easier than you may think, since it’s as easy as peekaboo. Simply making sure your kiddos are surrounded by attentive adults who will interact with them — even if just by returning their smiles — is enough to make sure they will start elementary school with better social skills, emotional regulation, and the ability to focus.

Making sure little ones are engaged is key, and one way to do this — in addition to playing, singing, and dancing — is through reading. The earlier kids are exposed to books, the better, in order to take advantage of this critical window for developing early childhood literacy. Simply reading to newborns is a great start, and as children get older, there are creative ways to bring storybooks to life, either by transforming a favorite story into a song or helping them create their very own literary masterpieces.

Beyond this, introducing little ones to basic math concepts, colors, and sensory activities promotes development. New experiences stimulate brain growth but repetition is also key. Repeating songs, stories, and games allow a child to fully master concepts and builds confidence at an early age. Book a Kid Expert to bring new experiences into the home or explore your child’s favorite activities through regular sessions.