

curated care puppet show

10 Indoor Activities for Kiddos

It’s cold outside–really cold. And it seems like whatever artic clothing we have on is just not enough to keep the wind and frigid temperature from creeping underneath our clothing.

5 Essential Tips for Traveling with Your Kiddos

Tis’ the season for holiday travel! Whether you’re packing your crew in a car, plane, or train, everyone can use a strategy when it comes to traveling to and from

Experience the Joy of Hanukkah with Kid Expert Lexie B

Lexie recently moved to NYC to pursue her dream of acting, but she has always had a strong and loving connection with children! On the weekends, she substitute teaches at

The Best NYC Holiday Shows For Every Age!

It’s December and the holiday season is officially here! I can’t think of anything better to do in NYC this month than to visit all the holiday shows! Whether your

Meet Kid Expert & Former Rockette Becky S

Becky has danced for the Rockettes, on stage and screen, so it was no surprise to her when we asked her to share her Christmas Spectacular secrets with our Curated Care

Create your own Discovery Bottle!

Discovery bottles are super fun, educational, and easy to make! These bottles allow kids to learn about science by simply observing what happens when different elements are added to a bottle. You

How to Make a Gingerbread House

Building and decorating a gingerbread house is a fun and interactive kids’ holiday experience that’s easy for all ages! To make your own, you’ll need:   Graham Crackers (6) A

What is the Montessori Method?

At this point, you’ve probably, at the very least, heard of Montessori. Maybe you went to a Montessori school, maybe you’re considering it for your kiddo, maybe you have no idea

babysitting jobs in New York City

How to Find the Right Babysitter

The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our day-to-day experience. Thoughts, feelings, and actions are directly influenced by the company we keep. The same holds true

Trick-or-treating in New York City

Trick-or-treating in NYC is pretty different (and pretty cool) for kids because let’s face it, there’s way more candy to collect! Instead of visiting the same houses within a one